"I was on the pill for 3 years for contraceptive reasons. During this time I developed digestive problems, and would experience nausea and vomiting around twice a week.
I thought maybe I had a weak stomach, and got on with life.
My sister went on the pill and six months later had to come home from university due to depression and anxiety. This led me to research the undiscussed side effects the pill can have.
I thought maybe I had a weak stomach, and got on with life.
My sister went on the pill and six months later had to come home from university due to depression and anxiety. This led me to research the undiscussed side effects the pill can have.
It soon became clear to me that my problems might also be caused by this medication.
I was really nervous to come off the pill as i was worried the contraceptive aspect might impact on my relationship with my partner - although my sex drive was non existent so things weren't great in that respect anyway! I knew that I didn't want to put anything chemical in my body again, so after researching I decided on learning the fertility awareness method. The only problem was I didn't have a clue about the menstrual cycle. It was time to call in a professional!
Sarah is a fantastic teacher and a wonderful open-minded individual to confide in. With Sarah's guidance I have successfully been in charge of my fertility for over a year now using the methods she teaches (I use a combination of fertility awareness and barrier methods). Sarah was there every step of the way to offer expert advice and to help me interpret my chart safely throughout each month. I would have found it much more difficult and would have been very hesitant to try this method without Sarah.
One year on, and I feel like the person I used to be. Immediately after stopping the pill my nausea ceased. Some other unexpected things happened during the year - my libido has improved, and the mild fatigue I had suffered day to day (falling asleep at my desk!) lifted. For the first time since taking the pill I began to write music again, which had led me to believe that hormones are also important for creativity. My relationship with my boyfriend has improved since he now understands my cycle, and our bond has become emotionally stronger."
I was really nervous to come off the pill as i was worried the contraceptive aspect might impact on my relationship with my partner - although my sex drive was non existent so things weren't great in that respect anyway! I knew that I didn't want to put anything chemical in my body again, so after researching I decided on learning the fertility awareness method. The only problem was I didn't have a clue about the menstrual cycle. It was time to call in a professional!
Sarah is a fantastic teacher and a wonderful open-minded individual to confide in. With Sarah's guidance I have successfully been in charge of my fertility for over a year now using the methods she teaches (I use a combination of fertility awareness and barrier methods). Sarah was there every step of the way to offer expert advice and to help me interpret my chart safely throughout each month. I would have found it much more difficult and would have been very hesitant to try this method without Sarah.
One year on, and I feel like the person I used to be. Immediately after stopping the pill my nausea ceased. Some other unexpected things happened during the year - my libido has improved, and the mild fatigue I had suffered day to day (falling asleep at my desk!) lifted. For the first time since taking the pill I began to write music again, which had led me to believe that hormones are also important for creativity. My relationship with my boyfriend has improved since he now understands my cycle, and our bond has become emotionally stronger."