Funny, clear and wonderfully well made, this film has a freshness and honesty that makes it compelling viewing whether you’re new to fertility awareness as contraception or you've been using it for years.
The tone is steady, measured and not overly evangelical, which I found a relief. I love fertility awareness but I don't want anyone to feel like they don't have options.
The tone is steady, measured and not overly evangelical, which I found a relief. I love fertility awareness but I don't want anyone to feel like they don't have options.
Those interviewed talk briefly about how profit affects healthcare but this doesn’t overwhelm the main messages, and the film is sympathetic to healthcare providers wanting to do the right thing by their patients.
That said, please stay in bed to take your waking temperature!! The film shows a woman standing up with a thermometer in her mouth. I'm sure there were reasons for this but I can almost hear fertility awareness/natural family planning users crying “Nooo!!” when they see this.
Your temperature changes once you get up and about. One of the advantage of fertility awareness is it means you have an official reason to stay in bed for a few more minutes.
Even so, this is a brilliant film and beautifully done. Watch it!
That said, please stay in bed to take your waking temperature!! The film shows a woman standing up with a thermometer in her mouth. I'm sure there were reasons for this but I can almost hear fertility awareness/natural family planning users crying “Nooo!!” when they see this.
Your temperature changes once you get up and about. One of the advantage of fertility awareness is it means you have an official reason to stay in bed for a few more minutes.
Even so, this is a brilliant film and beautifully done. Watch it!